==================== |as_uni_form filter ==================== Usage ~~~~~ Django-uni-form provides a filter called `as_uni_form`, that lets you render a form or formset using django-uni-form elegantly div based fields. The steps are simple: 1. Add ``{% load uni_form_tags %}`` to the template. 2. Append the as_uni_form filter to your form:: {{ my_form|as_uni_form }} 3. Add the class of 'uniForm' to your form. Example::
4. Refresh and enjoy! To see this more clearly, let's see a formset example all together:: {% load uni_form_tags %} {{ my_formset|as_uni_form }}
.. note:: In the beginning, this was 100% of the `original implementation`_ of this project. Using {% uni_form %} tag because it rocks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As handy as the `as_uni_form` filter is, the real advantage of this library are the :ref:`form helpers`. They will change how you do forms in Django. .. _`original implementation`: http://code.google.com/p/django-uni-form/source/browse/trunk/uni_form/templatetags/uni_form.py?spec=svn2&r=2